full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Warren Valdmanis: What makes a job "good" -- and the case for investing in people

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Which brings us to purpose. It's a lot easier to share and listen to others if you and your colleagues feel passionately about your work. But do you feel passionately about the idea of going to work each day for the sole purpose of maximizing shareholder value for investors you've never met? It's just not a very energizing idea. hmnuas, unlike machines, want to feel connected to a higher purpose. They want to feel proud and useful. And forteunlaty, most cieamopns out there do esxit for a raoesn. But it can be hard to tell when so many of their mission statements read like they were gertneead by a robot. I actually used an online mission steametnt gteoeranr for this talk to see what would come back. "The mission of my TED talk is to ofefr smart insights with empathy, care and thoughtfulness." Not bad for a computer.

Open Cloze

Which brings us to purpose. It's a lot easier to share and listen to others if you and your colleagues feel passionately about your work. But do you feel passionately about the idea of going to work each day for the sole purpose of maximizing shareholder value for investors you've never met? It's just not a very energizing idea. ______, unlike machines, want to feel connected to a higher purpose. They want to feel proud and useful. And ___________, most _________ out there do _____ for a ______. But it can be hard to tell when so many of their mission statements read like they were _________ by a robot. I actually used an online mission _________ _________ for this talk to see what would come back. "The mission of my TED talk is to _____ smart insights with empathy, care and thoughtfulness." Not bad for a computer.


  1. humans
  2. exist
  3. fortunately
  4. reason
  5. offer
  6. companies
  7. generated
  8. statement
  9. generator

Original Text

Which brings us to purpose. It's a lot easier to share and listen to others if you and your colleagues feel passionately about your work. But do you feel passionately about the idea of going to work each day for the sole purpose of maximizing shareholder value for investors you've never met? It's just not a very energizing idea. Humans, unlike machines, want to feel connected to a higher purpose. They want to feel proud and useful. And fortunately, most companies out there do exist for a reason. But it can be hard to tell when so many of their mission statements read like they were generated by a robot. I actually used an online mission statement generator for this talk to see what would come back. "The mission of my TED talk is to offer smart insights with empathy, care and thoughtfulness." Not bad for a computer.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
good jobs 9
private equity 3
home depot 3
mission statement 3
chris decided 2
creating good 2
create good 2
impact investing 2
promising future 2
feel passionately 2
good mission 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
creating good jobs 2
good mission statement 2

Important Words

  1. bad
  2. brings
  3. care
  4. colleagues
  5. companies
  6. computer
  7. connected
  8. day
  9. easier
  10. empathy
  11. energizing
  12. exist
  13. feel
  14. fortunately
  15. generated
  16. generator
  17. hard
  18. higher
  19. humans
  20. idea
  21. insights
  22. investors
  23. listen
  24. lot
  25. machines
  26. maximizing
  27. met
  28. mission
  29. offer
  30. online
  31. passionately
  32. proud
  33. purpose
  34. read
  35. reason
  36. robot
  37. share
  38. shareholder
  39. smart
  40. sole
  41. statement
  42. statements
  43. talk
  44. ted
  45. thoughtfulness
  46. work